SEQ Concierge

Definition of Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand emotions, particularly one’s own emotions. “Know thyself” proclaims the ancient Greek aphorism. There are five basic tenets of EQ, but most of the focus of this article will be around Self-Knowledge and Self-Regulation and how they relate to EQ inside the team. These two strengths are the building blocks of EQ.  Self-Knowledge, also called Self-Awareness, is the competency that can heighten stronger self-confidence as well as help determine and assess one’s values and belief systems. This competency also helps one identify strengths as well as weaknesses. Self-Regulation, also called Self-Management, assists us in areas of self-control, trustworthiness, and initiative; this competency also acts as our “impulse control button.”  {Read more...}
(Judy W. Bell, PHR via HR Professionals Magazine)